Sunday, November 29, 2020

A Quarantined Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving this year was definitely different!  Instead of having 25 people, like usual, we set a table for two.  They had advised us to only eat Thanksgiving dinner with those in your own home this year.

Since Josh and Merijane are both nurses, and can't really miss work at this crazy time, they did the same thing and only had their little family, they had Chicken Cordon Bleu.  YUM!

Krista and Jordan's family have both been quarantining pretty well, so they felt comfortable being together.  Lani has been quarantining with Krista's family, so she came too..

Jordan's family stopped by on their way home from Krista's to bring us a piece of Jamie's Delicious Salted Caramel Apple Pecan pie, and one of her amazing Chocolate Cream Pie.  Yum!!!
Savannah was fascinated with my Christmas Decorations! 

Jamie's family decided to take a little mini vacation, and went to Salt Lake and stayed at
 Little America Hotel for a couple of nights.  They had Thanksgiving Dinner at Rodizio Grill. 

They had fun goofing around downtown.

With Covid in full swing, we just bought Cheez-Its to deliver to our Primary kids and 
I made Chex Muddy Buddies for our delivery to our Family.  

Here's hoping that next Thanksgiving we can all be TOGETHER!!!

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