Saturday, July 28, 2012

Gigi to the rescue!

Yesterday I was cleaning out my storage room and found this quiet book that mom had made for Krista 30 years ago.  She was the MOST AMAZING grandma, the things she did were unbelievable!!!  I like to think of myself as a decent grandma, I'm pretty good at finding fun stuff at yard sales or at DI, but my mom MADE the funnest things. She made doll beds out of everything you can think of, and there were always little quilts to go with them.  When Krista was a tiny girl, she called her the Queen of the doll clothes, because she could make the most darling doll clothes.  Well, this quiet book was pretty dirty and all the pieces were missing so I washed it up and called mom to see if she would help me revive it.  It was obvious how many hours she had spent on it, and I thought it would be fun to bring it back to life, but I knew I need her help to do it.  She was more than willing and it was so fun to see that she still has more talent in her little finger than I will ever have!!!!

We made a new train for the train track

 a car, plane and tree and clothes for the dolls

new felt balloons, (I actually did those myself) and a new dress for the little doll

New clothes and close pins for the clothes line

I think this is the only page that didn't need anything new

We used her awesome laminator  that Robynn gave her to laminate a cute little Indian we found on the internet.  It was such a fun day and I am grateful to have such a talented mom to help me out!  I think my granddaughters will love this book just as much as Krista did, thanks mom!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I LOVE it!!!!!!! I have thought so many times that I wished I had taken better care of all those home made treasures. What fun to see it all brand new again. SLY Rob
