Sunday, September 5, 2021

I love to see the Temple

Right before Covid hit, I had submitted my paperwork to serve in the temple.  I didn't ever get called because they closed down the temples.  A few weeks ago, the bishop resubmitted my name and I got called.  I was so excited!  I went in for my temple interview on Thursday, and they asked me when I would like to start.  I told them, I could start the following week.  When my supervisor called, she said they had sooooo many new people to train, that I wouldn't be able to start for four weeks.  

I was ready and didn't want to wait a whole month. I don't have a great memory, so I knew it would probably take me longer than most people. She told me I should go to the temple as often as I could. Unfortunately, you have to make appointments to go, and they are all filled up for initiatory for this month, so it's not easy to go often.  She also mentioned that I could go in to the study room and study the things I needed to memorize.  I was able to do 2 Endowment sessions and 1 Initiatory session and go to the study room twice this week.  It is so wonderful to be in the temple again, and I am so grateful for the blessing I received when I was set apart that said I would be able to memorize all I need to.  I know it's going to take a lot of work, but I'm more than willing to put in the work.  When Bonnie was in town, we both found this pretty blouse.  We couldn't find a skirt to go with it, but I was able to find fabric at the fabric store and made this one. I'm so grateful that mom encouraged me to learn to sew!

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