Sunday, May 5, 2013

Good bye missionaries, Hello, sleepover room!!!!

After over two years of having missionaries in our home, they are moving on to greener pastures.  Elder Wilson went back to Dallas Texas, and Elder Conley got transferred to work with the Taylorsville Single Adult ward.  We have LOVED having them in our home!  

I have had fun the last few days preparing their room to be a "sleepover room" for our granddaughters and soon to be grandson!!!  I found these fun bedspreads on sale at Kohls, and with a 30% off coupon, and $20 bounce back money, they ended up being pretty reasonably priced.

When the missionaries were moving in, one of my neighbors I was over visiting, was getting rid of this end table.  They had a load of stuff going to DI, and I asked her if I could have it.    It was made of pressboard, covered with that paper finish, and wasn't in the best shape.  It worked great for the missionaries, but by the time they left, it was in worse shape. The finish on the top was nearly all off and it looked pretty awful.

I put a thin layer of sheet rock mud over the entire top and lightly sanded it, and with a little spray paint, it turned out very cute!

I also had this printer stand that was out of the same stuff, and painted it up for a little bookshelf in the room.

I found 3 of these shelves at a yard sale yesterday and thought they would work great in there.

We havent decided yet what color to paint the room, but things are moving along.  We have a trundle to put under one of the beds, since we often have 3 girls at a time.  We are going to put  this crib in there, since I put a white one in the nursery upstairs, and then we'll be all set when Logan comes to visit, or when we have several tired granddaughters here at the same time.

Here's what it looks like so far, I can't wait for our first sleepover in the new room!!!!


  1. It looks darling! Jordan, Logan, and I are excited to come for a sleepover in August!

  2. Super cute and cheerful. Love the DIY projects!

  3. So cute! All the projects look great!
