Sunday, March 21, 2021

Preparing for Easter

Easter is such a wonderful holiday.  I love that the flowers popping out of the ground bring new hope.  I love focusing on our Savior, and all that he did and continues to do for us. 

A couple of weeks ago in ward council, the bishop asked me if the Primary would be in charge of putting together a little Easter Program for Sacrament Meeting.  Yikes, we haven't been together in over a year, and we usually work on our Sacrament Meeting Program for months and months.  I sent a note out to my counselors to see if they thought we could pull if off.  One of them said she had written a program about 15 years ago that she thought she could tweak and make work.  She is amazing, and within a week, sent me a sweet program.  Our chorister delivered the music, of 2 songs we had sung in the past to our kids, and we made a plan to meet 2 weeks later and record them.


The kids were perfect!  They stayed right on the X's we put on the floor to social distance them.
They sang their little hearts out.  (We have such a tiny primary)
I spent a week meeting the children at the church to record their part for the program.

Saturday night, I called the guy helping us put the video together to ask if I could delete the kids talks that I had sent him from my phone, since I was out of storage.  He said, sure, so I deleted them and emptied my trash.  Sunday morning, he called me and said that there was a problem!  When I deleted it from my phone, it deleted it from his.  OHHHHHHH NOOOOO!  I was just sick.  Luckily, he had recorded the kids singing, so I wouldn't have to redo that.  I started calling to make appointments to rerecord all the speaking parts. Before I finished calling all the kids, he called me back and said he actually had only lost the last 4 that he hadn't downloaded  yet.  The rest were fine.  WHEW!
What a relief!  We were able to get those rerecorded and we're back in business.

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