Saturday, July 11, 2020

Fun with Doll Clothes

A few weeks ago, Hailey and Aida called and wondered if I would help them make a swim suit for their American Girl Dolls.  Their other grandma is an AMAZING seamstress, and makes the most adorable clothes for their dolls.  I asked them if they were sure they wanted me to help, since I've never really made doll clothes.  They assured me that they did, (their other grandma loves to make the doll clothes for them, but doesn't let them do the sewing, and they wanted to sew.)  
We figured out how to make these cute shorts for the dolls out of some of their jeggings they had cut off for shorts.We made the black swimsuit, out of a pair of leggings, and the coral one out of Aida's old swimsuit.

They did these themselves and were thrilled.  It was so much fun, that I went to Joanne's and bought 3 patterns. 

Once I saw the patterns, I totally understood, why their other grandma didn't want their help. The patterns are a bit tricky.  It took this many pieces, 

to make the blue flowered ruffly dress!

I hope I have enough patience to try to help them, doll clothes are lots of fun, but lots of work.  I spent over 2 hours on several of the outfits.  I'm sure I'll get faster.  

Aida had loaned me the doll with short hair to use as my model, but I needed a few to try out all the clothes.  I hit DI, and a couple of thrift stores and found 1 doll at each store.  Can't wait until I can have granddaughters over to play with them.

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