Sunday, October 11, 2015

Oliver's first sleepover at our house

Emily and a bunch of her friends headed to Las Vegas for the weekend.  Jamie was in charge of his kids.  We talked him into letting us take Oliver, so he could have time to do some fun things with the girls.   We met him at Abbie's soccer game.  Oliver took a nice nap during the game.

Abbie did great, she scored 2 goals!

After the game, I took Mike home and picked up my dad, and took him to meet Jordan to go to the BYU game.  Oliver and I got to hang out with Jamie and Logan.  We had such a fun time, Jamie made us a delicious dinner, we played a game, built with mega blocks, read Halloween Stories, did puzzles and went on a walk to see ducks and horses.  

Logan LOVES Oliver, he is going to be a great big brother some day!!!!

Here is a sneak preview of his Halloween costume.  Jamie made his pants and painted his hat and made the decal on it to look like the Springville Fire Dept.  Sooo cute!!! ( he would not stand still for the pictures, he was dancing the whole time I was trying to take them)

Logan wanted to help feed Oliver.

Oliver fell asleep at 8:30 and didn't wake up when we put him in his car seat to go home, or when I put him in the crib.  He was one tired boy!!!!  This is him in our bouncer while I was getting ready for church this morning.  

Here he is all ready for church, I LOVE his Sunday outfit! 

After church he took a good nap, sweet dreams tiny boy!

Jamie and the girls joined us for chicken and dumplings and then took tiny Oliver home,  What a fun time we had with that sweet little guy!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED reading about Oliver's first sleep over. What a sweet little guy he is. I LOVE how he looks so much like his daddy. What fun!
