Sunday, May 3, 2015

A sleepover with the "Middles"

A few weeks ago, there was a message on my phone that said,
 "Hi Grammy, this is Aida.  
I was wondering when the Middles could come for a sleepover"
(We have the big girls, the middle girls, the little girls and now the baby boys.)
They came Friday night and we ate dinner then went to see the newest Madagascar movie.
During the credits at the end of the movie, the girls always like to dance, they are so cute! 

There is a fun little playground right outside the theater that they had fun riding a few of the cars.

Silly girls!

They have the coolest cars.

The girls wanted to make warm packs, so they had a sewing lesson.
Katie was the first, since she had sewn before.

Aida was a natural.

Theirs all turned out great

Here's Aida pinning so she could sew it closed after stuffing it with rice.

All warmed up and ready for bed.

The next morning after playing play dough, they made cinnamon biscuits for breakfast.

Then, down to the playroom to draw some pictures.  

Abbie had a soccer game so we all went.  We got there a little early, so they got to play on the playground for a while before the game.

Abbie did great at her game and her team won.

She is the tallest kid on the team!

Thanks Aida for the great idea of a sleepover with the Middles.

1 comment:

  1. So fun! Does Logan get his own category? Since he's the same age as the little girls, and the other baby boys are actually babies?
