Sunday, May 30, 2021

School's Out for Summer!

Thursday, I came up with the idea to have a party to celebrate the end of the school year.  I contacted all of our kids, and wonder of wonders, everyone was available to come on Friday afternoon.    I made Robynn's delicious Chex party mix, that we all love,  my friend Sherryl's yummy dip, and crackers, cut up a watermelon, bought some ice cream and cones and called it a party.

I had seen this fun splash pad at Sam's club a few weeks before, and ran and bought it.
They launched off the swing and trapeze into the pool.

The kids had lots of fun playing badminton, 
I did have to get on the roof and get 2 birdies out of the rain gutters.
How many grandkids can you fit on one trampoline???

Savannah took a nap during most of the party, but did get to play in the splash pad for a few minutes.
What a great invention self filling water balloons are!

The weather was perfect, and the kids ended up getting out the snow cone machine and making snow cones to cool off before they headed home. What a fun afternoon!


1 comment:

  1. What a fun afternoon is RIGHT!!! Grammy of the week award!!!
