Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A day at Gateway Discovery

Monday was my first day of Christmas break. To celebrate, I invited Molly and Hailey to go with me to the Discover at Gateway. (I knew I would never be able to keep track of all 3 big girls, so I'm taking Libbie and Hailey on Wednesday) We all had such a great time. After 4 hours, they were not even close to being ready to go. There are so many fun things to do. Lots of cars to test drive.

They wanted to try them all out

The grocery store is always a fun place to hang out.
Of course Molly wanted the food on the top shelf!

She drove the tractor into the store to load up her groceries.

Molly was brave and rode the horse, her hands are full of potatoes that she was feeding him.

Hailey got brave and tried climbing the rock wall, hold on tight Hailey!!!!

They had lots of new things to do like these cool plastic puzzle blocks.

There are so many fun things with magnets.

There were some new letters we had never seen before.

They had some new gears that were fun to put together and turn.

Thanks for making my first day of Christmas break so much fun!!!!


  1. How fun! I want to go! I don't have to work Tuesday or Thursday next week...maybe I can hang out with the girls!

    And props to Molly for feeding the horse potatoes...Scout loves french fries!

  2. What a fun place! That was a great adventure! Such cute little girls!
