Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Here we go again!!!

Last Tuesday, dad had surgery on his eye, to
reattach the lens that had come loose after his
cataract surgery. The doctor was able to reattach
it, and hoped that everything would go well.
On Saturday morning, he woke up, and could see
the lens and the prongs floating around. That
was all he could see as he still has no vision in
that eye. He called his Dr., but found out that he
was out of town, so he spoke to the Dr. on call,
who, told him to make an appointment on Monday.
I took him in yesterday, and we saw Dr. Britton, who
was the Dr. that was on call. He told us that he wasn't
in any danger (the floating lens wouldn't do any damage)
and to go see his Dr. tomorrow to find out what
he should do. Sooooo, today we saw dad's Dr.
and after he explained and apologized for what
had happened, (with the cool eye model shown
above) he scheduled him for surgery
tomorrow (Wed.) to take out the old lens and
put in a new one, with stronger prongs that
SHOULD stay in place better than the first! We
were very happy that he could do it so soon.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a great day and he
will be on the road to recovery and seeing again!
It has really cramped his style to not be able
to drive, and go wherever he wants to.

No, these are not a couple of movie stars, just
mom and dad outside the hospital!


  1. Cute pictures, they are an attractive couple. Good luck Grandpa, we're praying for you and a speedy recovery!


    P.s. Laurie, I remember you saying something about your blog layout, if you want any tips or new blog paper, just let me know!

  2. Poor Jay, come on doc! Get those heavy duty prongs in that eye...ew who would ever have thought I would say that about anybodies eye! I sure hope that he gets things in the right way this time and his vision comes back! Glad they have you and it's summer time right now!

  3. Laurie, thank you thank you for being such a good helper. You are the BEST! SLY
