Sunday, July 14, 2013

A weekend with Molly, Abbie and Kelsi

This weekend Jamie and Emily were in California, so we got to have their darling girls for a sleepover.  

They went to church with us and Kelsi won everyone's heart.  She was so nice and said hi to everyone she saw.

They didn't get to go to the zoo with us a few weeks ago when we went, so I took them on Saturday.  We saw our friend the peacock, he was wandering around last time we went too.

Molly really wanted to see him spread his feathers, and asked me how to talk to the peacock.  I told her to just make some squealing noises, so she did and he spread his feathers, we were pretty excited.

We headed off to see the elephants.

Here's Zuri and her grandma

A little better picture of them

We went to the bird show

The polar bear was very active.  We saw him swimming and running around.

Here they are on the polar bear

Most of the animals were easy to spot today.  Sometimes they are hiding in their amazing habitats.

The leopards were snoozing

but the tiger was wide awake. 

Playing with the cats

We loved seeing the giraffes.

Molly's favorite was the polar bear, so that's what she wanted to ride on.

Abbie chose the zebra.

Kelsi was very tired.

 These monkeys looked like skunks.

The zoo has come a long way in the last few years, and they are still doing lots of improvements!

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