Sunday, August 28, 2022

Have I done any good in the world today?

I have been sooooo blessed with a healthy body.  I am so grateful to always feel good.  Lately, as I thank Heavenly Father for this great blessing, I ask Him to let me know what I can do to serve others.  My sister Robynn, is always doing nice things for others, and as I was talking to her Monday morning, she mentioned that Uncle Mike was coming home from Alaska, where he had been for 2 weeks.  Lani had bought new letters for his mailbox, and was planning to surprise him.  

I had been to his house right before he left and noticed that he had lots of weeds.  I thought if would be nice to go and do a little yardwork for him.  Right befoe he left, he had a nasty fall and ended up going to the emergency room, and hadn't been able to do any yardwork.

I was so happy Robynn mentioned his coming home.  We were hoping to do it in secret, but he has one of those fancy doorbells, so he found out who did it.  It's hard to be sneaky these days.

Lani spent an hour in the hot sun scraping and scrubbing the old letters off.

On Tuesday, I was blessed to be able to serve in the temple.  I have LOVED getting acquainted and serving with our amazing temple presidency.  Last week was their last week, they are being released and we are getting a new presidency.  I will greatly miss President and Sister Burton, President and Sister Millet and Preisdent and Sister McDonnough.  Such great people!

Our apple tree has lots of apples this year.   On Wednesday, I made an apple pie for one of the sisters I minister to for her birthday.  I made one for us too and it was delicious!

I also got to go with my activity day boys to my friend Kelli Handy's pool, so fun!  Thursday was garage cleaning day, it had gotten out of control.  I was able to get it a little better organized and even had time to go help Jamie get his organized from his move.  By the time I left, they were able to get both cars in their garage.

I called Jordan, Thurday night to see if I could come and play with their kids either Friday or Saturday, since I needed to get groceries for Grandpa Cline one of those days.  He said Jamie had a Dr apt Friday morning, so that would be great if I could get the kids off to school and play with Savvy until she got home.  I called Carissa, on my way to their house and invited her to bring her adorable little girls to come and play.  She came and the girls had lots of fun together.Savvy loved teaching Thea how to use her trapezze and her fun swing!

Monday, August 22, 2022

Avery's Bridal Shower and a family dinner

About 2 months ago, this cute young man named Adam Smith, moved in across the street from us.  He had just gotten engaged, and is getting married in Sept.  He introduced us to his fiance Avery, who came to church with him.  They are such a great couple, I thought it would be fun to do a bridal shower for her so she could get to know the ladies in our neighborhood and ward. .

We had such a good turnout, about 20 ladies came. She really felt loved.

 My friend Carolyn Bradley, made yummy blueberry and banana nut muffins amd brought watermelon.  I made cinnamon rolls and had cantaloupe and grapes (from Jamie's amazing garden). and strawberries.  Everything was delicious!

The next evening, Ricky Thiot arrived in town for a work conference.  We invited our kids, Pierce and his family, Ric and Kathy, Lani, Jeff and Jen.  Josh and his family already had other plans, Jeff and Jen were camping, Krista and Matt ended up getting sick, and Lani was exhausted from doing a funneral all day the day before, so we only had 20, instead of the 34 we could have had.  It was a beautiful day, so most of the  the kids were able to eat outside.


The rest ate inside.

The highlight of the evening, was when Parker showed us his loose tooth, and Uncle Jamie asked him if he wanted him to pull it out and he said yes.  He was so brave!

Back to School

Summers always go by so fast!  With camps, youth conferences, sports, vacations etc. it was gone before we knew it

Krista's girls were the first ones to head back to school. 
 Hailey is in 11th grade, Aida in 8th, and Sophie is in 4th.  Next came the Traverse Mountain Clines.  
Molly is in 10th, Abi in 7th, Kelsi in 5th and Oliver in 2nd.


Logan and Parker started the same day. Logan is in 4th and Parker in 1st.  Savvy is our only grandchild not in school, until baby Zac arrives, then she'll have a buddy. She has always loved books and really enjoys "reading".

Libbie e is in 11th grade, and Katie is in 8th

Gabbie is in 5th and Jack in 2nd
Good luck all you cute kids, I hope you have a great year!!!!

BYU Education Week

48 years ago, Bonnie, Sherryl and I headed off to BYU together.  We were roommates for 2 years, then Bonnie and Sherryl both got married.  It was  fun to be there with these two again!

Bonnie and  were so excited to get a picture with one of our favorite speakers, Tyler Griffith. 

I loved having Ric and Kathy there as well as Dennis.

We went to lots of great classes, but our favorites were taught by John Hilton, Tyler Griffeths, Stephen Hunsaker and Scott Anderson. A few weeks later, I got togethere with Sherryl and Chris for lunch.  So fun to catch up with Chris.  

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Our little garden

I am loving our garden!  

We enjoyed spinach and peas in the early summer, We've had lots of tomatoes.  

We had a few cantaloupe

We have some cute white pumpkins that I LOVE!
Gardening is so fun!

We have some cute white pumpkins that I LOVE!  Gardening is so fun!

Our apple tree produced lots of apples this year, so yummy!

Apple pie with apples from our tree.  YUMMMMY!

End of summer sleepover with the Littles

So hard to belive that summer is almost over!  The Littles wanted to have another sleepover so we found a time when they could come.  

We did a donut run, and bought supplies to make breakfast and some yummy cake pops.
It's so fun to live close to stores, the girls love riding their scooters.

They made colorful pancakes, yumm!

We had never been to the Kearns pool where the olympics were held, so we took them there.  

It was great to watch them swim right where the greatest swimmer in the world swam.  They also have made a very fun outdoor pool!  

Such cute girls!

We stopped at Arby's on the way home for lunch.  Such a fun sleepover.