Sunday, July 26, 2020

My Best Day in a long time!

A couple of weeks ago, Jamie and Emily floated down the Provo River with their kids.  They had so much fun, they wanted to do it again.  Krista's family was at a family reunion with Matt's family, but the rest of our kids went with them and had a Blast!  (No one else took phones with them cuz they didn't want them to get wet in the river, thus no other pictures.)

I was the lucky one, and got to tend Parker and Savvy.

That morning, before I left, I asked Parker what he wanted to do and he said he wanted to play games and make chocolate cookies.  I remembered this fun recipe, my Mom and Darlene used to make, so I put all the ingredients in baggies and brought them to make with Parker

Parker LOVED making cookies to share with his family.

We called them turtle cookies, you cook them in a waffle iron.  He took his job very seriously.
He carefully frosted each one after they cooled.

I brought some fun games and puzzles, Parker is the puzzle master!
We played Curious George and Parker won every time.

His favorite game is Bob the Builder and so he requested I bring that.
Jamie called to check and see how the kids were doing and Savvy was still snoozing.  She told me to wake her up so that she would go to sleep on time.  Parker climbed in the crib with her to wake her up.  He puts on the sweetest little voice when he talks to her. 

She is just the happiest little girl, even when she gets awakened by her cute brother!
It was such a fun day!  I have SO MISSED getting to play with grandkids!

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