Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Happy Mother's Day 2013!

This past Sunday was Mother's Day.  I am so thankful for the wonderful mother that I was blessed with.  She has more than supported me in anthing I ever wanted to do.  She showed me how to be a good mom, and a fun grammy, for that I will always be grateful.  

Our kids all went in on my Mother's Day gift this year.  They printed my blog for the last 4 years!  One book for each year.  Jamie and Krista put them together and had them printed off, what a treasure!!!!!  I have loved looking through them and remembering what has gone on, so many things I have forgotten, it's fun  to have the memories come back.  Thanks so much,     I LOVE them!!!

On Sunday, Jamie and Emily invited us to a Mother's Day dinner at their house.  
They fed us a delicious dinner and then we LOVED watching tiny 3 1/2 year old Abbie ride her two wheeler.  (sorry I sound so dumb being the comentator)

They had us watch a sweet video on about mothers.  What a fun night, thanks Jamie and Emily for the invitation.  We love spending time with your sweet family!

A few weeks ago, we found out that Stacy and Pierce were going to be in town, so we planned a family dinner so we could all get to see them.  We were going to do it at my house, but I ended up with a kidney stone that week, and was flat in bed for 3 days.  Lani was sweet enough to reserve the park by their house and did all the preparations for the awesome evening.  (She is the BEST!)

Even some of the tiniest cousins were so happy to see each other!

Carrisa sure likes being an aunt!

Cierra and Hailey had matching outfits!  Love that hot pink!!!!

Me and Mike

Lani had fun projects for the girls to do!

Josh and Gabbie

Jeff and Jen

Krista, Matt and Sophie

Riley, Cierra and Lucy

Lani, Hailey and Aida

Mom and Dad

Adorable Sophie 

Ric had been working, but took time to come and visit too!

Jeff and Aida

As we were getting ready to leave, Hailey wanted to try out Jeff's motorcycle.  

When he asked her if she wanted to go for a ride, she said, 'Yes, but YOU drive!"

What a great evening with so many great people that I love so much!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a great job commentating! Looks like a lot of fun- we miss those get togethers!
