Sunday, August 25, 2024

End of summer fun

With summer drawing to a close, I thought it would be fun to give each of the kids going to school a little money to buy something fun for school.  

These girls shopped at a mall out in Riverton and then we went to Subway for lunch.

The boys opted to not shop for clothes, but to go to Airbourne, a fun trampoline park with their money.  They opted for Wendy's for lunch.

The Littles had a sleepover and went to a balloon festival in Sandy in the morning.  Then we went to Southtowne mall and found some fun things for school there.  We went to Cafe Rio for lunch.

I totally forgot to take a picture with the Bigs, so heres an old one of these cute girls.  We went to a mall in Riverton and shopped with them.  They also found some fun things and the went to the Shake Shack for shakes and fries.  

I picked up Savvy and took her shopping, but there are no fun places to find clothes in Eagle Mountain.  She wanted to go to Pets Mart to look at the fish, so we looked at all the animals there and she saw a lego set of a unicorn that she really wanted, so we bought that and a few other fun things we found at Walmart.   Then we went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch, Savvy is such a cute girl!


Shannon's Bridal Shower

We are so exicted that our nephew Skyler has found a wonderful girl!  Lani and I gave a shower for Shannon at Lani's beautiful home last night. 

 Shannon's mom lives in Eagle Mountain and joined us.

We had lots of our family too!  (Savvy and Gabbie were downstairs playing)  So nice that Bonnie was in town so she could meet her and see so much of our family.

We had tons of delicious food!

Fruit tray, vege tray, cheese and crackers, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, apple bread, chips, salsa, queso, and guacomole.  so yuimmy!  It was fun for everyone to get to know Shannon.  We had some get to know you questions that we passed out and they asked as she opened their present.   What a great night!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Flower Power

This morning my cute neighbor Mary, called and told me that she has a friend who owns a flower shop.  Her friend had dropped by a bunch of flowers that she had no idea what to do with.  She asked me if I would like to arrange them and deliver them to people who might enjoy them.

I was more than happy to do it!  I called Krista and asked if her girls might like to help me.  Sophie had a lesson in young womens on Sunday about faith.  Her teacher had shown them a pack of seeds, and taught them about what you have to do to help them grow into flowers and realated it to how to help your faith to grow.  She had a bunch of flowers and let the girls each make an arrangement to take home.  Sophie's was beautiful, so I knew she would be a big help!

Lucky for me, she was available and did a great job of teaching me how to do it.

I delivered some to Lauren and Emmy

Jeffrey and (Jen not pictured) but Emmy with Jeffrey

Kathy who was not feeling well at all.


and Ila Fae who had just had shoulder surgery.

I'm so glad my sweet friend Mary thought of me and I was able to make lots of people smile today thanks to her and her friend.  (I also delivered one to Mary, but totally forgot to get her picture.)  I left for Krista's about 10:00 this morning, and didn't get back home until 4:00 this afternoon..  So many fun people to visit!



July Birthdays

July is definatly birthday month in our family.  We have 9 birthdays, so that means lots of fun lunches or dinners.

Logan wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse

Parker chose MOD pizza

Hailey went to a fun sandwich shop that I can't remember the name of.

Kelsi and Oliver chose In and Out Burger

We celebrated Krista and Jamie's together and went to Villiage Baker

The boys went to Virgis for Mike, Jordan and Josh's birthdays while I was on my cruise.  It's been fun taking our kids and grandkids to lunch or dinner for their birthdays.