Monday, July 22, 2024

Cruising with Bonnie

A few months ago, Bonnie called and invited me to go on a cruise with her.  (Dennis was going on a fishing trip to Alaska with his buddies.)  I jumped at the chance to spend time with her and go on a cruise.  Because we wanted to make sure we both made it to Florida together, I flew to Arizona and spent a day at Bonnie's house. before flying to Florida..  There were quite a few glitches with my travel, but it all worked out and we made it safely to the cruise ship.

There are always fun things to do.  We went to a fruit and vegetable carving demonstration.

Quite a few game shows, spent time in the hot tub, that thankfully wasn't too hot.

We went to a mentalist show that was mind blowing!  This guy was incredible.  We went to a dance show, several shows where there was singing and  piano playing.  So much talent.  We listened to some books on tape, ate LOTS of food, worked in a nap almost every day, and met so many nice people.  That was one of our favorite parts.

We visited the Dominican Republic

St. Thomas and another island in the Virgin Islands

It was all so BEAUTIFUL! 

Our last stop was an island owned by Norweigan Cruise line where we laid on the beach, got in the water and did a zip line.  I was very nervous, but it was Soooo Fun!

The night before we were to fly home, Bonnie went to check in for her flight, and realized that it had been cancelled.  Unbeknownst to us, there had been a world wide IT problem that affected the airlines.  Thousands of flights had been cancelled and thousands more delayed.  We talked to the cruiseline who had booked our flights, but they said it was the airlines fault and wouldn't help us.  Bonnie called Dennis and he went to work on getting her a new flight.  After waiting on hold for over 2 1/2 hours, he finally was able to talk to someone, and was able to convince them to book her on another airline since theirs couldn't get her out of Miami until Monday.  It was so crazy at the airport!  There were mile long lines everywhere.  Luckily for me, my flight wasn't cancelled,  it just ended up being delayed 6 hours.  We arrived at the airport at 9:00 in the morning and I didn't get out of there until 12:00 midnight.  There was no place to sit and wait, so people were all over the floor.  I sat on my suitcase for much of the time.  Bonnie had a flight at a different terminal and had to leave for her flight at noon.  It was a long day, but I met lots of nice people who were also waiting. I finally arrived home at 3:00 in the morning.  Cute Jordan came and picked me up.  It was so late I didn't want anyone to have to come and get me so I was trying to figure out how to get an Uber.  Jordan was trying to help me but then said he would just come and spend the night at our house and I could call him when I arrived.  He is so sweet!  When I got to the luggage area, the above picture was half of the unchlaimed luggage in SL airport!  I was  grateful that my luggage made it and very happy to be home safe.   It was so fun to spend time with Bonnie, she has been my best buddy since I was born.   

St. Geroge Getaway

Robynn's family rented this really fun house in St. George this summer for their Thiot Family reunion.  When she was telling me about it, it sounded so fun that I checked to see if our kids would be available to spend a few days there.  They were able to find a time that worked amid girls camp, Oakcrest, FSY, Youth conferences, and sports camps.  Unfortunately, Matt was not able to get off work, but his family still came.

It had an awesome pool!  Zac got this duck floaty and fell in love with it.  He wore it all over the house and just kept saying, Duck, Duck.  He is so cute!

There were several pools, and water slides.  The temperatures while we were there hit 114 degrees, so if we were outside, we were in the pool to keep cool.  The kids LOVED it!

There was a fun air hockey table that was busy a good share of the time.

Some of the kids did some fun sand art, 

They watched TV

they played games

We were able to visit 2 temples, the Red Cliff

and the St. George temple.
  This is our 9 oldest granddaughters, and our daughter and daughter in laws.

We went to church and after church got a picture with all of us.  We had so much fun being together, I'm so very grateful for our wonderful family!

4th of July Pictures

At our Fathers day gathering, the girls decided that it would be fun to do matching shirs for all the grandkids.  Robynn's family did these, and I thought they were so cute, so I copied her idea.

We are definitely filling up the monkey bars the bigger the kids get!

The Bigs

The Middles

The Littles

and The Boys! 
 I sure LOVE these cute kids!