Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mike's 50 year class reunion

It's hard to believe that 50 years ago, both Mike and I graduated from High School.

  We were able to attend his reunion that was held at West High

We were able to see LOTS of friends.  Tonya, far left was my visiting teaching companion at BYU my first year there.  She is one of Mikes good friends.

Since Bonnie went to West too, I know lots of Mike's friends and always enjoy his reunions more than my own.  His friends are great to get together so we have kept in touch with them.

These are two of his best buddies, Jim Webb and Jerry Fenn. Such a fun night!  They had a delicious fajita bar and yummy desserts.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Lani's Birthday Celebration

This year, Robynn and Dick were in town to celebrate Lani's birthday

Robynn bought Lani a birthday cake from Backers, so good!

All of our siblings were able to get together at Sizzler for a yummy dinner.

We celebrated with everyone who was in town a few days later.  We had planned it for a park, but as luck would have it, the weather didn't cooperate.  

Jamie and Emily let us have it at their beautiful home.

So much family was there to help celebrate!

There were 52 of us, EVERYBODY loves Lani!

Even though it was chilly and WINDY, the kids played outside.

Robynn and Dick

Ricky's family

Uncle Bud, Uncle Boyd and Ila Fae

Cierra's family

Krista's family

Pierce's family

Chips family.

Ric and Kathy

Me and Mike and so many that I missed getting pictures of.  Tatia was here with her family, Merijane and Libbie, Chandler, and probably a few others.  What a fun night!


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Little's sleepover

We had a fun time with these cute girls, they swam at the Kearns Olymic pool.

They helped me sew 40 bags for the youth in our stake going on trek.

We did baptisms for the dead at our new temple.

They did some sand art

and tye dyed pillow cases.  Such cute girls!


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Summer's here!

The boys have been begging to go to the Clark Planetarium and we finally found a day to go.  We missed Oliver who was in St. George with his family/

It did not disappoint,  They had several new displays, and there were not very many people there, so they got to play on everything they wanted, for as long as they wanted.

We stopped by one of our favorite parks after the planetarium.

Lunch at Wendys before heading home.  Such a fun time with these boys!


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Graduation Day

It's hard to believe that these two beauties graduated from high school this week!  They have both worked so hard and have amazing grades and will be heading off to college in the fall.  Hailey is going to BYU Idaho and Libbie is going to Salt Lake Community College.

We were so happy that Hailey's was on Wednesday and Libbie's was on Thursday, and that Mike was feeling well enough to go to both!  Good luck on your new adventrues!