What a beautiful day to visit the cemetery! It has pretty much rained nonstop for a month. It was supposed to rain most of the day on Memorial Day, but it turned out to be beautiful!!! All of our kids and grandkids were able to come. Lani, Jeff, Jen, Ric, Kathy, Sandy, Marie and Michelle were there too. We all came to our house for a picnic after. (Except Jeff and Jen who couldn't make it.)
Such a nice day to remember those we love.
The Big's and the Middle's
The Little's and the Boys.
We were able to go visit Marcel's grave on Saturday
We also went to see how the remodel was coming on her old house. They had totally gutted it and are almost done inside.
Sunday, was Michelle's birthday, so I baked her a bunt cake and we were able to celebrate here.