Monday, December 30, 2013

Sophie turns one

 Today is Sophie's 1st birthday! She is such a sweet little girl.  

Krista invited all the family to her house on Saturday to help celebrate.

She made a beautiful cake and cupcakes.

Sophie got a darling wooden rocking horse.

Gabbie had to try out the rocking horse too!

What a fun party!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Jamie and Emily invited us to their house to spend Christmas Eve with their sweet family.  Emily's parents and her brother Zack were there too. She made a delicious dinner, then they read the story of Christ's birth from the scriptures, and the girls acted out the Nativity.  What a great way to spend Christmas Eve!
The next morning we went to their house to see what Santa brought to them.

After visiting Jamie's family, we went to Josh's and saw their Christmas.

Then we went to Paula and Bob's and had a delicious Indian meal.  Bob is a great cook!  (I can't believe I forgot to take any pictures of the amazing meal.)  It was really fun to spend time with them.  Then we headed over to mom and dad's for a little Christmas Open house.  I hired Hailey to be my photographer, since I had failed at our last stop.  She did a great job.  I think the only ones she missed were my dad, and Sophie who was sleeping. (Josh and Jamie's families had already left before I thought to hire Hailey, so luckily I had taken pictures of them in the morning.
Here's mom and Paige

Here's me and Devin and Aunt Marie and Mike

Here's a cute picture of Lani and Simon.

Krista, Aida and Matt

Jeff and Jen

Elycia and Chip came with their cute family

 Here's Taylor

Kathy, Lucy and Carissa

Ric and Uncle Bud even came for Christmas

And here's my great photographer who came home with us for a sleepover.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Their short trip is over!

The past four days went way too fast!  

We had so much fun watching Logan practice his sitting skills.


Playing with one of his new cars.

Being a big boy sitting in a high chair to eat.

They were able to go visit Josh's family at their new house and check out their awesome snowman. 

They surprised the great grandparents, by dropping in on them when they didn't even know they were coming to town.   

They met Chip, Elycia, and their three kids at In and Out Burger.  (Future Best Buddies!)

Logan is as big as his 2 cousins that are 3 months younger than him, what a guy!!!!!

Here are the 4 babies, (after eating candy canes)  So fun to have 4 babies in 15 months!

Jordan's favorite Primary teacher stopped by for a visit and brought Logan this cozy winter baby snow suit.

All too soon, it was time to pack it up and head off to California for Christmas.  
Jamie made Logan this cute Going to Grandmas shirt.  We are going to miss them, but I am happy to think how much fun Jamie's family is going to have with them.  Thanks so much for taking a detour to Utah!!!!

They made it to Jamie's parent's house in about 12 hours and Logan did GREAT!!!  

2013 Early Christmas!

On Saturday, Dec. 14th, Jordan, Jamie and Logan came to Salt Lake for a quick visit.  They were on their way to California, and were able to make a detour for a few days.  Jordan interviewed on Monday at BYU for their MBA program.  We are hoping he gets in, so they will be back in Utah!

We decided to do our Family Christmas, while they were here.  We invited everyone over for dinner and presents.  

We  have been trying to come up with something to do for our kids and grandkids, and couldn't think of anything fun.  Then, we came up with the idea of taking them to Disneyland.  We have been saving for years for this trip, but every summer, someone either has a new baby, or is very pregnant.  Since Logan will be one next summer, we thought next summer might be our window of opportunity to go.    

While we were in Georgia, Jamie appliqued shirts for all the kids

 They turned out adorable, she does such good work!!!!

The girls were thrilled with the shirts and excited to go to Disneyland together in July!

We gave them each some money and loaded up in the cars and headed to the Disney store, where they each got to choose their own present.

It was CRAZY trying to keep track of them all!

They had lots of fun trying to decide what they wanted to buy.

All of the girls except Kelsi, chose fun Disney dolls.

There were LOTS of smiles!

Everyone found something they were excited about.  Kelsi and Logan got a set of cars from the movie Cars.
The parents were good sports to pack up the girls on such a crazy traffic night to head to SLC.

The evening ended up just as fun as I hoped it would!  Can't wait until July!!!!! 

Making Nativities with the girls

In October, I was at Dollar Tree and saw these cute stables.  I called Krista to see if she thought we could figure out a way to make a nativity to go in them and she was pretty sure we could, so I bought them.

I made a sample one after checking out Pintrest and Google for ideas.

I got enough so the big girls could each make one.

Theirs turned out so darling!

They all did such a good job, it was one of the funnest projects we've ever done together!

When mom saw them, she wanted to make one, so I went over to her house and we made one together.  

I sent some home for Jamie, her mom and sister to do during the holidays, I hope they have fun too!!!